June 14, 2023

LTFF 2023: Pre-Sale Passes Available Now

The stage is set, and Lake Travis Film Festival (LTFF) is gearing up for its high;y anticipated 2023 edition. As the excitement builds, there’s no better time than now to secure your festival pass during the LTFF presale. Get ready to immerse yourself in the world of captivating cinema, inspiring storytelling, and unforgettable experiences. The LTFF Team is buzzing with anticipation as we prepare to welcome film enthusiasts from around the world. With each passing year, LTFF continues to raise the bar, curating an exceptional lineup of independent films, hosting thought-provoking panels, and creating an immersive festival atmosphere that keeps attendees coming back for more. 

The Early Bird Gets the Worm 

Securing your festival pass during the presale period comes with its own set of perks. We’ve made 500 available at the lowest price of the year! The deadline to grab these is on July 20th. By grabbing your tickets early on, you ensure that you won’t miss out on the most anticipated screenings and events. Festival passes grant you access to a wide range of films, special screenings, panel discussions, and exclusive events throughout the festival. Beyond the films themselves, LTFF offers a vibrant community of filmmakers, industry professionals, and fellow film enthusiasts. Attending the festival provides invaluable networking opportunities, the chance to engage in insightful conversation, and the ability to forge meaningful connections with individuals who share your passion for the art of cinema. 

What’s the Hype?

LTFF is not just a film festival; it’s a community, a hub of inspiration, and a catalyst for creativity. From red carpet premieres and captivating Q&A sessions to exclusive after-parties and networking events, the festival offers an engaging and dynamic atmosphere that leaves a lasting impact on attendees. Don’t miss your chance to be a part of the excitement and cinematic brilliance  of the 2023 Lake Travis Film Festival. Grab your festival pass during the presale period and ensure your access today! Here’s the link: LTFF 2023 Pre-Sale Passes.  

Membership packages available

pick the right one for you

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